D. van Wolferen Marine Inspection & Consultant together with her partners Holl Maritime and Avisco Marine Inspection BV, we can provide cargo supervision on board your vessels were required.
We will assist vessels crew in order to ensure smooth and safe cargo operations. Especially during port calls in the busy ARA area we see that the amount of work to be handled by the chief officer is often simply too much to be safely handled by on person, who also has to comply with STCW rest hours: cargo discharge, pre wash, sweeping, cleaning operations, slops discharge, sludge disposal, visits of port representatives (MARPOL), port state control, vetting inspection, doctor taking urine samples, crew change, stores and provisions arriving, preparing stowage plan for next voyage and the loading plan for maybe next jetty in same area etc.
Our experienced cargo superintendents, who sailed for many years as master and chief officer on chemical tankers and gas tankers, can take away a big part of the excessive workload from ships crew. They can handle and assist in communication with barges alongside and shore personnel, assist in completing the various safety checklists, give advise on and organize tank cleaning and sweeping operations, in short do everything the C/O should do plus some extra due to their local knowledge and vast experience.
They are available on short notice and will stay on board, if required, from gangway down until departure.